Parish Information

Public Rights of way

You can see a map of the public rights of way here.


Community Profile

A Community Profile of Walberton, Binsted and Fontwell was provided by Action with Communities in Rural England (ACRE). It details many interesting facts about the villages, their population, house ownership, employment and many other useful facts. You can download it here


Conservation Areas in Walberton

There are two designated Conservation Areas within the Parish. One is centered on the village green and the other on The Street. You can view the map here.


Businesses in Walberton, Binsted and Fontwell

A comprehensive listing of Walberton, Binsted and Fontwell Businesses can be found on the Yell web site by following this link.  and Fontwell Businesses by following this link and Binsted Businesses by following this link.


Listed Buildings in Walberton, Binsted and Fontwell

You can find a list of listed buildings here


The Church of St Mary's, Walberton

St Mary's Church is set on the south edge of the village of Walberton. There has been a church here at least 1,000 years with records going back to before the Domesday Book. The present building was found in the 11th Century with major restorations in the 18th and 20th century.

The attractive churchyard is maintained by local volunteers and contains some interesting gravestones recording sad events of earlier years.

It is Grade1 listed for its architectural and historical importance.

Vicar (also Rector of Binsted): Rev Tim Ward  (01243) 551488
Church Office: (01243) 552792

Web site:


St Mary's Church Binsted

St Mary's Church in Binsted is a delightful single aisle and chancel dating from around 1150 AD. The simple Norman architecture brings a sense of peace. The interior includes remnants of a 13th century wall painting showing a woman wearing a royal crown - possibly St Mary, Queen of heaven.

The small churchyard gives wide views over the surrounding countryside across a small valley heading south towards the sea.


Walberton Baptist Church

Pastor: Ray Brinkley  (01243) 542388




Walberton Playing Field

Walberton Pavilion and playing field are available to rent, information can be found here